Send in batches
When you have a large campaign, you sometimes want to send the campaign in batches. This for example when you expect the recipients of your campaign will perform an action or visit your website. To offload you servers you can therefor send a campaign in batches.
To configure sending in batches, click the `Batch` toggle. The following modal will then appear.

- You can set the number of recipients per batch. The minimum size is 1.000 recipients.
- You can set the time between the batches. You can set this to a value in minutes, hours or days.
You don’t have to send campaign directly when you press the ‘Send’ button, but you can schedule it on a time you prefer.
To schedule a campaign, click on the `Schedule` toggle. The following modal will then appear.

- You can set the time when you want to schedule your campaign. When you click on the field, automatically a date/time picker will appear. You can then select the date and time you want. You can also enter manually a date/time in format of `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS`
- The date/time you selected is always in the `UTC` timezone.
When you want to send a campaign with the same content on a regular basis, you can use the recurring option.
To set the recurring option for a campaign, click on the `Recurring` toggle. The following modal will then appear.

- You can set how often a new campaign shall be send. You can set this to a value in hours, days or months. For example, when you set `Occurrence` to `2` and `Type` to `Months` it means a new campaign is sent 2 months after the previous campaign.
When you create a recurring campaign, the first campaign will be send within 5 minutes. If you do not want to send the first campaign within 5 minutes, you can enable the scheduling option. The first campaign will then be send at that date/time.